In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Internet Archive has announced the National Emergency Library as “a collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship, and intellection stimulation while universities, schools, training centers and libraries are closed.”
The user is able to search almost 1.5 million texts by date, topics and subjects, collections, creators, and/or language. Also included are Open Libraries from across the United States that have all types of shelves available for the borrowing.
The interface is fairly simple to use. You just need to set up a free user account to obtain your virtual library card. Then you can login to borrow digital and audio books for 14 days.
For more information about the National Emergency Library, read the announcement from the Internet Archive.
The Internet Archive is a non-profit library where you can find millions of free books, video, audio, software, images and more. Also free for streaming on the Internet Archive site are tens of thousands of films that live in the public domain.