While CNM may be offering special federal funding to some students, there are phishing emails being sent regarding COVID/Pandemic Relief Funding and Pell Pandemic Grants, which appear to come from an individual at CNM. How can you tell if the email you receive is legitimate?
- The email will come from [email protected]; never from an individual’s email
- Emails sent from CNM and pertaining to special federal funding will never ask for sensitive information such as social security numbers, passwords, etc.
- CNM will never ask you to print a check
- When in doubt, verify with the sender using a trusted phone number.
- Remember your personal information has value, protect it! Never provide personal/sensitive information over email or other forms of electronic messaging, or in response to unsolicited phone calls.
- A common scam tactic is to lure victims with tempting offers/promises. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is! Similarly, a sense of urgency is often used by scammers to dissuade deliberation and impel victims to take the desired action(s).
- Most professional communications contain complete sender contact details.
If you have questions or concerns about an email you’ve received, please contact us at (505) 224-3090, [email protected], or our Virtual Help Desk.