1. Where are our clinics?
- Elementary schools: East San Jose
- Middle schools: Van Buren and Washington
- High schools: Albuquerque, Highland and Manzano
2. For which students can we provide services?
We serve ALL Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) students, including APS charter students regardless of insurance or immigration status.
- APS elementary school students can receive medical and behavioral health care at East San Jose (and immunizations at the middle school sites; see #7 below).
- APS middle school students can be seen for medical and behavioral health care at Washington and Van Buren.
- APS high school students can be seen for medical and behavioral health care at Albuquerque, Highland, and Manzano.
3. What services do we provide?
- Behavioral health services including emotional wellness screening and counseling, therapy, psychiatry, substance use counseling, and appropriate referrals when needed.
- Medical care including EPSDT (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment) exams and other wellness exams, immunizations, sports physicals, reproductive and sexual health services, injury, and illness care (NOT COVID-19 related, see #5 below); asthma and obesity care and care coordination.
- Case Management for students receiving medical and/or BH services at SBHC.
4. Who provides services?
Licensed masters-level therapists, child, and adolescent psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, pediatricians, case managers/social workers.
5. What services do we not provide?
We do NOT provide COVID-19 testing or treatment. We will also not be doing any procedures that produce aerosols, such as nebulizer treatments for acute asthma exacerbations or peak flow measurement. Students needing testing and possible treatment for COVID-19 will be referred to their community primary care providers or the school nurse as appropriate.
6. What immunizations can we provide?
We can provide all school required immunizations except for varicella (because that one requires a freezer).
7. Which SBHC sites provide immunizations?
Our middle school and high school SBHC sites provide immunizations. Please see contact phone numbers below to schedule appointments for immunizations. Elementary students needing immunizations can be seen at our middle school SBHCs.
8. Are our clinics physically open, even if learning is done remotely?
Yes, students can access our services via telemedicine and on-site at our SBHCs. We suggest that students (or parents as appropriate) call us to obtain an appointment for the best and safest service. See contact numbers, #10, below.
9. Are our services COVID-19 safe?
Yes, we provide health services in strict accordance with the New Mexico Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UNM best practices for safety during COVID-19 activity.
10. How do you schedule an appointment?
Our clinics can be reached through the following phone numbers to schedule appointments for all offered services. Psychiatry services can be scheduled at select sites after patients are seen by SBHC primary care provider or therapist. Patients will be seen regardless of ability to pay.
- East San Jose ES, 505-244-0334
- Van Buren MS, 505-256-2555
- Washington MS, 505-248-1116
- Albuquerque HS , 505-244-1330
- Highland HS, 505-256-3363
- Manzano HS, 505-253-0012
11. What dental services are offered through UNM’s school-based dental clinics this Fall and how are those services accessed?
Dental services offered at East San Jose Elementary School, Van Buren Middle School, and Highland High School include preventive dental treatment (i.e., cleanings, fluoride, and sealants) for all students with informed consent signed. Fillings and crowns can be offered at the UNM Dental clinic. Students are not charged for services, but insurance providers will be billed if the student has insurance. Please call the numbers listed in #10 above to schedule.
Who do you contact if you have other questions?
Priscilla Juarez, UNM SBHC Program Office Supervisor, at 505-272-5132.